Peri Meri Menopause & Cancer
We will be developing and undertaking a co-production group, working with services and those with lived experience to see whether the current level of information is sufficient to support those going through, or have gone through cancer treatments, and have been put into early onset menopause is sufficient. Is there anything missing, what would be needed and how could we implement this and action going forward. Would you like to be involved? We aim to start in September, and it will be a continuous group developing a wide range of discussions, actions and provision.
Early Onset Menopause (Young People)
We will be developing and undertaking a co-production group, working with services and those with lived experience, to develop provision within Lincolnshire to support young people going through early onset menopause, regardless of the cause, such as cancer treatments and premature ovary insufficiency. We would like to look at how we could support and inform those young people about the symptoms and mental health support available. There are already some great national networks that enable this, but feedback has noted that some young people wouldn’t attend “menopause related sessions” as it could be mainly “older” women attending, gasp!!! 😁 but realistically highlighting the different needs and conversations of a young person to those that are mid 40’s, to being in 20s or 30s does present with different conversations and concerns.
We will be starting the development of the co-production in September. If you would you like to be involved, please email us in the first instance.
Men and Menopause
We will be asking individuals, various support organisations and those with lived experience around whether there is such a thing as male menopause. Utilising the various methods of research to establish links and explore future developments. There are a few studies out there, which explore this option, but utilising this project and seeing the shocking statistics especially around men aged 44-55, and mental health and suicide rates, does this correlate to menopause, is there a link to those around them going through menopause… we will be completing various studies and will be looking for support to enable, would you like to be involved and want to know more contact us at