Our Circles of Support offer applied for funding to continue to support people who would benefit from this service. This has now come to an end which means, we are therefore not able to support anyone at the present time.
Circles of support worked with individuals who found their lives ‘stuck’ and unable to move forward.
A trained worker supported the individual to identify key ‘blocking’ issues, to create a personal plan and then to support them to bring together a circle of support, that included key agencies, community groups, friends and neighbours, and family members – to tackle blocking issues and move forward.
This usually took between six and eight sessions of up to two hours each, as well as ‘keeping in touch’ calls. During Covid Lockdown, the service was able to run virtually.
Issues worked with have included, managing finances, moving to a new area and connecting with new communities, navigating health, schools and other services, social isolation and more.

To contact Circles of Support please email: circlesofsupport@every-one.org.uk