Lincolnshire Co-production Network

Every-One is pleased to facilitate the Lincolnshire Co-production Network. The Network was established as part of Lincolnshire’s Integrated Personal Commissioning Programme.

The Lincolnshire Co-production Network is a friendly group of people with complex health conditions and disabilities, and family members caring for a loved one. Members have direct experience of long-term health conditions and disabilities.

What is co-production? Here, members of the Co-production Network share their views on what co-production means to them.

What the Group Offers

As a supportive, Critical Friend to the development of personalised approaches in Lincolnshire. We contribute the perspective of people with long term health conditions and disabilities, to ensure people’s voices, ideas and experiences are heard. These can be used to shape policy and practice.

      We do this by :

  • Contributing to policy and practice documents
  • Supporting the content and design of public facing information
  • Being an integral part of recruitment processes
  • Support the design and delivery of workforce development.

      We are not:

  • Focused on one to one informal peer support. This is important, but different from our role
  • Able to co-produce every single piece of work that is to be done. The network will work with commissioners to identify where we can have the greatest impact.

What is our approach?

      In summary, we:

  • offer a strategic, population-based, partnership approach with the statutory sector
  • grow depth knowledge of Personalised Care and Personal Health Budgets.
  • focus on specific pieces of work, recognising that we can’t do everything
  • are committed to being active participants in agreed, key strategic meetings
  • will be responsive to requests and proactive in offering our support
  • aim to be a small but in-depth knowledge group
  • will act if things are going in the wrong direction, and support to get them back on track.
  • will challenge positively when things are going well.
  • will focus on how personalised approaches are implemented

What are our principles?

  • We are committed to working in constructive partnership for the benefit of the whole population of Lincolnshire
  • We respect that members have complex and busy lives.  What they bring to the Network is not only their lived-experience but also a wealth of other knowledge and skills from their lives.
  • We ensure that experiences are recognised and valued, and all members have something to contribute to co-production
  • We are working towards a personalised approach that is so well implemented that the work of the network is complete. This will be a mutual judgement based on relevant local evaluative feedback
  • We are committed to working with services to embed relevant feedback from local people.

What has the group done?

  • Care and support planning development e.g. “Planning Live” events. Supporting development of Care & Support Plan template
  • PHB Choices – input and feedback on delivery programme, critique of the approach and the information letter and leaflet
  • IPC leaflet designed and endorsed by Programme Board
  • Created a vision statement for Neighbourhood Teams
  • Presented to NHS England during a site visit by senior leadership team
  • Two members of the network participated in NHS England and Peoplehub’s “Peer Leadership Academy.”
  • Feedback on Neighbourhood Team, “Outcome Framework”
  • Commented on logos design for Neighbourhood Team
  • Revisited ‘Statement of Purpose’
  • Completed the Reflective Tool for coproduction
  • Participated in interviews for lead posts for Neighbourhood Teams

You can download our Statement of Purpose here – Statement of Purpose – Updated Jan 18 – Final.pdf

Case Study

This Case Study illustrates some of the work the group have completed and the impact they have had –
Case Study – PCSP co-production – 1 page version for website.pdf

For more information on how you can join the group or work with them, please contact Vicky Thomson on 07955612389 or email