
County Carers relaunch

County Carers relaunch

Lincolnshire-based charity Every-One are pleased to announce that it is relaunching County Carers, a group for parent carers and families of adult children with learning disabilities and / or those on the autistic spectrum.

County Carers has been running for many years and has provided a whole host of support to families across Lincolnshire. Due to the sad passing of Wendy Adams MBE, the groups key lead, a new home was needed.

Every-One has welcomed County Carers within its portfolio and this announcement is made even more special as this week is Learning Disability Week 2020.

Vicky Thomson, Chief Executive Officer at Every-One, said:

“We are so excited to be developing County Carers as part of our portfolio of projects. We really want to bring in our values, aims and expertise in Carers, co-production and peer support to make a real difference for these families.

Partnership working is important to us and so we are calling out to all partners with an interest in Learning Disabilities and Autism to get in contact and work with us.”

A Steering Group is established to oversee the work, but new members are welcome. Chair of County Carers Steering Group, Janet Collins said:

“There is so much to do to support these families and we are thrilled to be able to work with Every-One to build on our history and look to a bright future together.

We are inviting families to come forward and sign up as members so that we can get them involved in setting our direction and shaping how we get there. It would be great to have more Steering Group members join us too so we can build our strength and drive this forward.”

You can find out more about the work Every-One does at

To contact County Carers and sign up to be part of the membership, please email