Do you work for a Lincolnshire NHS organisation and juggle working with your caring role?
Visit our online survey here.
LVET (Lincolnshire Voluntary Engagement Team) have gained funding through NHS Charities Together (includes monies raised by Captain Tom) to support NHS staff in Lincolnshire who also have caring responsibilities at home. Part of this funding is to support people who work in the NHS who have caring responsibilities.
To define the type of support needed, we are working with NHS Staff Carers through a Co-production Group that agreed to a series of questions to include in a survey to help us understand your experiences. Whilst funding is limited, we will use the results of the survey as contributions to the development of support for NHS staff carers.
The deadline for completion is 7th October 2022 however responses received after this date are still welcome. Findings will be made available, after analysis and reporting, on the LVET website –
For the purposes of this survey, we will use the following definitions:
Carer(s) – An unpaid carer is someone who looks after a relative or friend who due to ill health, physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction cannot manage without their support (source: Lincolnshire County Council).
Young Carer(s) – A Young Carer is someone under 18 who helps look after someone in their family or a friend, who is ill, disabled or misuses drugs or alcohol. (source: Carers Trust)